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Buff Chicken

A claymated game.


  • Team size: 10+

  • Year of production: 2017

  • Genre: Claymation

  • Engine used: Visionaire

  • Group Project

  • Role: Lead programmer



The concept we decided to go with was a mini choice based narrative wherein a chicken who gets bullied trains in the gym and later on has to choice to forgive or take revenge from the bullies and the result would be decided according to that. As a programmer, I had the responsibility to implement all the dialogues and choice based system in the engine Visionaire.



Being a new engine it was quite difficult get a grasp of it as this engine is not very user friendly. A lot of time was spent researching about the engine and trying to understand it because of which the schedule was delayed a bit. All the sequences and the scenes were implemented in the game however we could not implement all the dialogues due to time constraint.


Rights & Wrongs:

All of the claymated animations of the every character was successfully implemented in the game however the implementation of dialogues was where I went a bit short.


Learning Outcomes:

Working on a new engine made me realize a lot of things such as I should have done more intensive research about the engine before the project started as it cost me a lot of time.


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